Monday, December 13, 2010

May the Force be with Us: How Star Wars, Plato, and Gnosticism can help us evolve

Despite all of our technology and scientific progress, humanity is ignorant. If you take away the technology, we are not much better than our hunting and gathering ancestors who lived in caves. Perhaps we are even worse. At least, as modern anthropology is proving, hunter and gatherer societies cooperate and exist peacefully. We, on the other hand, are mired in a state of duality, and we have lost touch with our true human nature. Our entire focus is centered on extremes, Light and Dark, Capitalism and Communism, Tyranny and Democracy, Black and White, Patriotism and Terrorism, Poor and Rich, Republican and Democrat, Evil and Good. This tiresome state of duality does nothing but create a stagnant atmosphere were society is held back from evolving. Our current monotheistic religions do nothing except perpetuate this trivial state of us against them, right and wrong, black and white. It was monotheism that first created the concept of good and evil with the rise of Zoroastrianism. This concept was then taken by Judaism, and later filtered down to Christianity and Islam, where it then infected the whole world. This duality has since spread from religion to philosophy, where religion and science are supposed to mingle. By separating religion or the occult (Greek for the hidden) from science, we have furthered this dualistic approach and halted our development. Until we can learn to move beyond dualistic thought and merge science with the occult, we will not evolve. Fortunately, Plato, Star Wars, and Gnosticism give us a glimmer of hope.

The Philosophy of Time Travel

This is just an experiment:

Jon Headlee
Sally Doud
Honors English 200
April 15th, 2005

The paper you're about to see unfold was written during my second semester of VCU - during a 4-day period in which I didn't use drugs but still achieved the "high" that is Kundalini.
