Friday, December 31, 2010

Cell Theory of the Universe - The Microcosm-Macrocosm Relationship

Imagine if you will, that humans are equal to molecules. I know this may be hard because humanity views itself as the rulers of all it sees, and molecules seem so insignificant, but that is of no consequence. Each human is a molecule, a human molecule, and thus they must interact with other molecules, whether they be human or something else (plant, beast, nature itself, and perhaps even technology or non-nature things), in order to survive. Likewise, these different molecules interact to form cohesive cells, which are held together by mutual respect and a belief in the group or the cell. If you are feeling insignificant, good, because we are, but to make some of you feel a little at ease, imagine humanity as the nucleus or the control center of the cell, perhaps even the DNA. So each cell could be viewed as either a belief system or a particular area of planetary interaction, which gives new meaning to thought of “church cells” or “cell groups” or even “terrorist cells”. Thus, as a whole, these cells form tissues, and this particular tissue is Earth. Tissues make up organs, and this can be seen in solar systems. Likewise, organs make up body systems and functions, and this can be seen as galaxies, and lastly, body systems comprise the entire body, and this can be seen as the universe. If there are multiple universes as some suggest, then there are merely just multiple beings, each with their own complex systems. While that may seem mind-boggling to some, it makes sense in terms of the microcosm-macrocosm relationships found everywhere.

If we follow this thinking, then the “brain of this being” or the godhead as represented in many religions (Brahma is the godhead of Hinduism, and the rest of the gods follow a hierarchy similar to the body makeup described above), thinks for the whole, but the body is so vast and beyond the physical senses of the molecule, that it is indescribable. Thus, we have the concept of the incomprehensible Self. As represented in Star Wars, the Force, part of which is the indescribable godhead, commands its will to us through neurons which transmit through energy transfers, like bio-electricity, and if we are in tune with the Force, if we are in tune with this energy, we can heed its call and follow its wishes. If you want an example of this in human reality, think of biofeedback or meditation. If you focus your mind onto something, then your energy will transmit your wants and wishes down to the very basic levels of your existence, and changes will occur. Likewise, in Star Wars, the Jedi’s relationship with the Force has been clouded by the “Dark Side”, and their ability to perceive its wishes, as well as its warnings, is severely weakened. Thus Palpantine or Darth Sidious, whichever you prefer, casts a shadow over the minds of the Jedi, the protectors of galaxy, the white blood cells of the Force’s being, while he grows in power, almost like a cancer cell grows, surrounds, and eventually destroys (or swallows) the cells of a tissue.

Keeping with this thought, many of you might be becoming angry with me and might be putting this paper down (or worse, burning it), for if you make the logical connections, that Palpantine is an illustration of monotheism and a cancer at the same time, then monotheism, and more specifically, Christianity, the religion of many within the U.S., might be a cancer as well. To answer your growing questions, yes, it is a cancer. It perpetuates itself through the weakness of humanity, duality, and separates everyone in the process. Monotheism, by its nature, is a dividing belief system. It believes in nothing else but itself (essentially harming or killing the SELF), and all conflicting beliefs are evil or wrong, while they believe themselves to be good and right. According to novels within the lengthy series based on events twenty-five plus years after Return of the Jedi (The New Jedi Order series), Luke learns that there is no “Dark Side” in the Force, the Force is not evil, nor is it good, it merely exists. The “Dark Side” resides within the person. Likewise, Palpantine, and Monotheism, utilizes the dualistic conflict within humanity to control them. He generates his power through fear, fear of evil, fear of conflict, fear of “the ultimate power [the Death Star] in the universe”, for as Grand Moff Tarkin says, “Fear will keep them in line”. And yes, fear truly does keep us in line. Fears hell, evil, Satan, Terrorists, Communism, and eternal retribution keep humanity in line.

These fears are perpetuated by all parts of Monotheism, including Christianity. Hell is the place of eternal retribution, eternal damnation by God, and it is ruled by the ultimate terror, Satan. Terrorists, so aptly connected to Islam, the monotheistic nemesis of Christianity, are fueled by a fire of hate towards Democracy and “freedom”, but it is Christianity and Democracy that force themselves into the vast reaches of our tissue, our Earth, like a cancer, and add more logs to the fire of hate that burns with the terrorists. Communism, the mortal enemy of Democracy, is also the enemy of monotheism because of its atheistic demands. True Communism is probably the best form of government; however, true Communism will probably never exist due to the duality and lack of connection within humanity. Likewise, the Jedi Order can be seen as Communistic Theocracy, where the Force is their guide, and the only distinction between members is the level of knowledge/connection with the Force that individual has. The Jedi are not supposed to have material possessions, except for their robes and lightsaber, and are not focused on the good of their individual selves, but rather, the good of the group, the order, the Republic. Following these connections, perhaps Palpantine and Monotheism are not cancers, but rather, a twisted strain of HIV, a virus that takes over a tissue, an organ, a body, and then replaces all the white blood cells (Jedi or occult) with its own twisted versions that allow it to control the body, control the world, control the universe, yet at the same time, maintaining an imperfect sense of order because it recognizes that without some semblance of order, the body would die. Many recognize that the Demi-urge, if there is one, that plagues and controls society, would never let the world end, it would never allow the world to fall into complete chaos. If such an event happened, it would lose power because there would be nothing to control. Likewise, Palpantine would never kill everyone off, just those who are a threat to him, like the Jedi.