Thursday, December 16, 2010

Duality Continued

So, as I mentioned before, we are stuck in Kohlberg’s stage two of moral development, a trust in society (which could be transferred to a trust in a God). This trust is flawed, however, and to understand the flaws, to see the colors beyond the black and white is to move onto the third stage of morality. This morality is not dependent upon society, but rather upon the person’s understanding of the world, perhaps even the person’s connection to their soul, perhaps even the person’s connection to the “World Soul” or the SELF. Duality traps the individual, the commoner, in between two extremes, like Conservatism and Liberalism. Both make valid claims, but in many times, neither side agrees to compromise, and even when they do, their compromise itself, is not true compromise. The "compromise" that we know is not a true balance. The individual feels the weight of this dualistic struggle, for the individual is in the middle; it is the individual that must hold up the see-saw of dualistic struggle. Thus, the individual is left with three choices: join with one, join with the other, or refuse to care (Liberate!). This is the problem in modern politics, as well as most dualistic struggles, the individual is forced to hold up this see-saw, to be the fulcrum, and yet, the individual has no power. So we are left with three groups, and still no solution. The duality of something, of everything, continues until a true balance is found.