Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Rule of Three

It safe to assume why three is the number of humanity. Not only does it show up everywhere, but it is how holograms and our holographic memory operates (I will go into holograms and the Holographic Universe in much more depth later). For someone to truly remember something, they must first process it three times, and usually in three different ways. This is usually done almost simultaneously. A college student listening to a professor and taking notes processes the information three times all at once by hearing the information in the voice of the professor, comprehending the spoken words and writing them down on paper (or typing them on a keyboard), and then finally proofreading the notes as they are being written to confirm and further connect ideas. If any studying needs to be done, reading, rewriting, and speaking the information to one’s self can create enough pathways for the information to be considered “learned” and this knowledge is thus permanently entrenched into our minds.

Three is not just a good number for studying calculus or some other college subject, but is also a good number for studying religions. The concept of the Holy Trinity, officially recognized at the Council of Nicea, is not unique to Christianity. Hinduism holds a similar concept with Brahma (the creator, world soul, and Self or Oneness), Vishnu (the protector), and Shiva (the destroyer). There are other gods in Hinduism, but they can be equated to the saints and angels of Christianity. The Toltecas of Mexico also had a belief in the trinity (A trinity of the SELF-like god splitting into a Supreme Male god and a Supreme Female god), which made their conversion to Catholicism easy. The concept of the triune or trinity pervades the definition of humanity as well, for we are made up of a body, a mind, and a soul. Also interesting to note about Christianity, Jesus Christ supposedly lived for 33 years, yet only taught for three years.

Referring back to the numerology of Christianity, the mark of the Beast, the number of the Devil, is 666. If you divide 666 by three, you get 222. If you divide 222 by three yet again, you get 74, and if you add three to that, you get 77, one 7 short of 777. Thus by using the number 3 three times, one can turn 666 into 77, and that one 7 is actually 700, and if this number relationship has any significance, then one could argue that the Devil or Satan is not of a triangular nature, like 666 would propose, but actually of a dualistic nature, a mind and a body, but no soul. Thus, it could be understandable why humanity can have power over the Devil because the Devil lacks a soul, and the soul is more powerful than the mind or the body. Now all of my numerological deductions, I understand, may be a stretch, but one cannot refute that it is interesting nonetheless.

The rule of three even shows up in Star Wars. In the original trilogy, there are three main heroes, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia (later revealed to be Luke’s sister), and Han Solo. There are additional sidekicks, but there are only three main heroes. The triangular relationship between them is evident, as well, for Luke and Leia are twins, and Han eventually marries Leia. Also, the movies themselves are two sets of trilogies (originally written to be three trilogies, but due to age, George Lucas may never create the final one), which follow along the three act structure of epics (rise, fall, rise). Throughout the two trilogies, Emperor Palpantine (also known as Senator and Chancellor Palpantine, as well as Darth Sidious) has three apprentices, Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, and Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Also, the six movies cover the rise (and fall) of three great Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Luke Skywalker. Additionally, in the final scene of Return of the Jedi, we see the ghosts of the three Jedi that influenced Luke, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda, the seemingly ageless and wise Jedi of unknown origin (Yoda is supposedly a Whill).

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