Monday, January 3, 2011

The Conclusion: The Return of the Occult and the Myth of Star Wars

The occult, much like the Jedi, never left us. It was beaten back by monotheism and technology, but it merely remained on the fringes of our consciousness, in the dark. Humanity, being afraid of the dark, has tried to forget the occult, and out of fear, labeled it evil, much like Christianity labels that which it cannot understand as the workings of the Devil. The occult lived on, through the remnants of the Occidental (“black” or natural magic) and the survival of the East, the Orient. Likewise, the Jedi lived on in Obi-Wan and Yoda. It lived on in our mythical and legendary lore. It lived on, buried within our souls, buried within the collective unconsciousness, the collective soul. Myths are so similar because our souls are connected. We are holograms, microcosms, of a massive macrocosm, an infinite SELF. Myths, much like Art and Music, is an attempt by the soul to reach out and perceive that which it knows not, that which our minds are ignorant to. In this light, Science Fiction gives the occult a realm to operate, a timeless area. In Science Fiction, the rules can be twisted because society doesn’t have to be the same. Society doesn’t have to live in a monotheistic world, and the stars don’t have to be lifeless masses of matter and energy. Within the realms of science fiction, the Hero is reborn. We see this with Star Trek and the Matrix. We see this indefinitely in Star Wars.

Whether George Lucas had intended the many intricate connections I have made with Star Wars that is not relevant. I do know that Lucas created the story from combining many myths. These myths are different sides to the same truth, the same feeling within humanity. Imagine twelve or more people sitting down in chairs, all sitting around a circular table. These people are forced to stare at an object, a very non-symmetrical object, which sits in the middle. They cannot move, for they are trapped within their slice of the circle. They cannot talk due to the separation. They can only draw an image of what they see, an imperfect image. When these images are combined together, like Lucas has done, it becomes a more comprehensive picture. All I have done is label the parts of the object, even the ones that Lucas could not label himself. The films are made in a way that strikes an emotional chord, a string, within us. The story is enthralling, yet familiar; the visuals are new and stunning, yet based upon a reality within us; and the music is appropriate and thrilling, yet speaks to the soul. The mind of Star Wars is the story, the body of Star Wars is the visuals, and the soul of Star Wars is the music. This balance creates an epic. Star Wars as a film series speaks to the volume of our situation. The prequel trilogy is much like a microcosm, a myth, of our past. The original trilogy, the hero’s quest, the emotional soul that resonates within almost every viewer, is a myth of our future, or perhaps a myth describing how to take back our future. It is in this understanding that the occult stands beyond the reach of time, with technology beyond our dreams, but “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”. This is why Star Wars is the phenomenon that it is because it is our souls crying out, crying out to be a hero, crying out to tell us that everything is not all right. It is our soul crying out to tell us that we have the power, within the realms of our mind (science and technology), within the realms of our body (attunement with our natural world), and within the realms of our soul (the occult, ALL of it), to make this world better, to take down the veiled Empire of Duality which rules our reality, to save the soul of Darth Vader, to take down the Emperor, to EVOLVE.

The rest is up to you.

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