Monday, December 27, 2010

Gnosticism and Number Theory

If one goes back to my number theory, 777 is the perfect number of God, or perhaps the perfection of humanity, and 77 (666/3/3 +3) is the perfection of duality. One could also interpret this definition as being that 666 is the number of the archons, and likewise, if you divide it by 9, you get 74. They only reach a stage of perfect duality by controlling and absorbing (and thus adding) humanity. Thus the number of the Demi-urge is 74. If you consider these numbers from the base 7 number system, then 7 numbers are needed before one can go up to the next place-setting. Thus 777 could be seen as the equivalent to 1000 in the base 10 number system. I use the base 7 number system because humanity follows a 7-day week schedule, a schedule that never changes, despite the changes in days in a month, and even days in a year. This is supposedly a product of God creating the universe (or at the very least, this solar system) in six days, and then resting on the seventh. Thus 777, is perfection of mind, body, and soul. The mind is the first place-setting, and thus, the weakest. The body is the second place-setting, and thus stronger than the mind. The soul is the final place setting, and thus the strongest. Now, one may be sitting here arguing, mind over body, saying that the mind should be more powerful than the body. My answer to those arguments is that you have mistaken the mind for the soul. The mind, much like the computer, is just a tool, a tool contained within a frame; if you drop that frame off a cliff, the mind goes with it, for computers have no soul. We trump our mind over our body, and thus forget about our body. We are arrogant. We are fools. Thus, the purpose of meditation, is to quiet the mind because it (or we) believes that it is greater than the rest of the parts. By quieting the mind, one can heal the body, with the soul. I believe that the power of psychics (including telemetry, healing, telekinesis, empathy, telepathy, etc) derives not from their mind, but from their soul; it is their ignorance that makes them believe in their mind. The Archons, therefore, posses perfect physical powers. They can control the entire physical realm, and thus they are worshipped as nature gods. However, if their number is 74, then they don’t possess perfect minds, or in other words, they must rely on humanity (3) to provide perfect mental control. For, like the Elm Street villain, Freddy Krueger, if you simply stop believing in them, stop giving into fear, they have no control.

Likewise, if you develop the smallest amount of faith (or belief), just one unit of your soul, then you can become more powerful than the archons (100 is always greater than 74 or 77), and in the words of Christ, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Mat 17:20) If we have the smallest unit of faith or the smallest bit of soul (for the mustard seed is a tiny seed), then nothing will be physically impossible. We will be able to lift starships out of swamps, read the minds of others, etc., and the archons will be helpless. Unfortunately, keeping with the Allegory of the Cave, the soul exists in the outside world, and we are stuck in the cave. We must perfect our bodies, our focus, our discipline, and attempt to perfect our minds. By doing such, we can overcome these Archons that plague our world, or perhaps overcome our own deficiencies. On the way through the tunnel that connects the cave to the outside world, we can completely perfect our minds. Once in the outside world, we can begin to unlock the secrets of spirituality, the secrets of our true potential. In this light, we can be like Jedi Knights, in every sense of the word. We can fulfill our hero needs, the calling and foundation of the occult.

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