Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Age of Reason and the Final Nail in the Coffin, Technology, and Scientific Theories

The occult was not just attacked by the totalitarianism of monotheism, but it was also attacked by that which it spawned, its child, if you will. The child of the occult is science, and they have been forever linked in humanity’s history, from the mystical tribal witchdoctor to the ancient philosophers of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and beyond to the Alchemist of the Middle Ages. The search for the unknown spawned a comprehensive study of the unknown, which led to the logic-based science seen in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. From this light, it is not hard to understand why early mathematicians and scientists, like Pythagoras, created math and science-based belief systems, like numerology and sacred geometry. Thus when science turned its back on the occult during the Age of Reason, the occult was truly dead.

The Age of Reason spawned from man’s desire to utilize his intellect and understand, and then explain, everything. Despite all the knowledge they gained, these intellectuals of the Age of Reason were no more than everyday fools. Every teenager, at one point in their life, discovers enough of the world, that they claim to know everything, or enough to no longer need any more, but as every aged adult knows, they do not, and the quest for knowledge is a LIFE-long process. As Socrates said, according to Plato, “I am wise because I know that I do not know.” Despite all of his “knowledge”, Socrates realized that there were many things he did not know; Socrates recognized the occult, the hidden. This was the case of many philosophers of the ancient world. They were scientists and occultists at the same time, which isn’t hard to believe because they are different sides of the same spectrum of light. They recognized that the occult, science, and truth formed the triangular relationship of knowledge, and that through the occult and science, they could discover the truth. With two points, it is far easier to construct a triangle, than it is with just one point. With just one point, “the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field [approximately 3720 to 1, according to C-3PO]” are far less than the odds of finding the other two points and successfully constructing a triangle even close to the real triangle in question. Despite this, science still pressed on without the occult.

The main goal of early scientists was to understand everything they saw, such as the stars. The stars were always a big part of the occult because they were unknown to humans before the telescope allowed us a closer, more detailed look. Galileo’s telescope, one of the many inventions during the Age of Reason, killed the occult. The mythic, human hero had been killed by the singularity that is monotheism, and only the gods of the heavens had remained. When science began to uncover the solar system and subsequently, the entire universe, there was no where left for the old occult to hide. Monotheism had killed the beloved hero, and science had slaughtered the gods. There ceased to be a mystical and metaphysical nature to the universe, and we were left with just the natural realm, as defined by science, and the supernatural realm, as defined by monotheistic religion. Without the occult to balance society, to provide the third link in the triangle, the link between natural and supernatural, monotheism and science fought on in the minds of humanity.

The fight between Monotheism and Science picked up considerable steam with Darwin, creating the debate which still carries considerable weight today: Creation vs. Evolution, the Big Bang vs. God, Old Earth vs. Young Earth, etc. Without the occult as a medium, just like the Star Wars galaxy without the Jedi, the state of duality pervades and rules society. The power between these two powers shifted back and forth over the course of the past, all the while, the occult, which was seemingly dead, waited for its to chance to spring back. As Campbell daftly points out, “With the end…of the mythological age… [it] did not actually end. It retired…behind the screen of time and space”. (206) This mythological age is actually the distant past of the ancient world, where man and gods lived together, in harmony, before time itself. This is why Star Wars begins with, “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”, for the stories of Star Wars speak of the timeless myths, the never-ending occult. This occult continues on, behind the veil of our perceptions, behind the veil of its apparent death at the hands of science and monotheism; it carries on in the hearts of man in the form of romanticism, art, music, and love itself. For love, true love, is selfish, and rightly so because it is two parts of the same Self, joining together to form bonds and break barriers, to create life itself. Thus the Age of Reason moved onto the Age of Romanticism, and then on to the Age of Realism and then Modernism, and now, Post-modernism, all the while, the occult waited, it waited for the breath of life to be thrust into it by the expanding minds, hearts, and lungs of humanity. This is not so unlike the only two remaining Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, presumed to be dead, “their fire [having] gone out of the universe”, just waiting and watching, waiting for the right time, for the open mind of an another generation, the generation of “a new hope”, of spirited rebellion, of “the return of the Jedi”.

Thus, time moved on, without the outward presence of the occult, and science moved on as well. From Newton’s apple, came gravity, a mysterious force of attraction that, much like the divine spark (the Holy Spirit) in Christianity, is never fully explained. We know that it is an energy field, based on the attraction between two objects. Einstein and others of the early 20th century told us that it distorts the fabric of space-time, much like a ball resting on a blanket that is not completely taut. These distortions create ripples, and anything within these ripples, like say, the moon and all the inhabitants on Earth, are kept inside the boundaries created by this massive object, unless an object were to reach a speed fast enough to overcome the gravitational pull, the boundary of the ripple. Science tells us that mass and spin, or centripetal force, create gravity. Science also tells us, through Einstein’s famous formula, E = mc2, that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared (the speed of light, interestingly enough, is roughly 432 squared, just keep that in mind). Since the speed of light is a constant, about 186,000 miles per second, then essentially, energy equals mass, mass is energy. So perhaps gravity isn’t defined by the mass of an object, but instead the energy of an object. This energy is probably related to electro-magnetism, and one could perhaps picture the orbit between any two objects in terms of magnets. The larger, stronger magnet attracts the smaller one, through their opposite poles or energies, but their like poles or energies repel. Thus, the smaller magnet is held in an orbit around the point where the fields of the two magnets interact. If gravity can be reduced down to energy, then perhaps everything can. Perhaps there is an all-pervasive energy field that binds us, and controlling or using that field, that energy, will yield powers and abilities that cannot be fathomed at this point in human evolution.

Now, I will admit, this is a very elementary understanding of gravity and energy, but sometimes, we must KISS that which we are looking for, or in other words, “Keep it simple, stupid”. Yes, the string theory is a complex theory that attempts to explain every deficiency within quantum mechanics, thus providing us with a fundamental theory for everything; unfortunately, that theory has not been completely formulated, yet. I will go into the string theory later in the paper, and then I will tie it back into the energy theory I just formulated above.

Technology is the offspring of science, a tool created by the minds of humanity. To reject it, like those who reject progress in favor of nature, is to reject the mind. Without one of our points, we become relegated to duality and conflict. So technology is needed, but like the mind, it must be controlled by discipline, by understanding and wisdom. Technology itself may change the way humanity views itself and the world around us. Take computers for example. They are created by man, function much like the human brain, and are ruled by binary code, a duality of one’s and zero’s, yes’s and no’s. A computer can only do what it has been programmed to do. Yes, there are those working on algorithms that could simulate artificial intelligence, but those are just algorithms. The basic design of the computer is incapable of intelligence for simple reason, duality. It is within this binary code, that computers are trapped. This is changing. Quantum mechanics have given us insight into the workings of the atom. Using the spin of the atom as a code, the atom’s spin has a triune nature, with two opposite spins (which can be viewed as a one and a zero), but it also has the key to unlocking intelligence, the third point, the ‘superposition’. This superposition is the point where the one and the zero come together and form, ten, if you will. It is the third point that creates the necessary triangle, the triangle of life, and thus when this is applied to computers (in the form of quantum computers), the computer’s speed increases exponentially. But speed is not the only purpose, for I believe that with a triangular system of understanding, computers would have the necessary capacity to learn, to have an artificial intelligence. This condition of computers also points out man’s tragic flaw. By existing in a dualistic plane, we are no more than computers, capable of only that which we are programmed to do. In reality, we are capable of more, but by rejecting the third point of our own triangle, the Soul in the Mind, Body, Soul relationship, we relegate ourselves to be nothing better than a computer, a binary existence, and the limits therein.

There are also two emerging scientific and philosophical theories that are beginning to shape how we view reality, the Holographic Universe and the String theory. The Holographic Universe theory originates, as Michael Talbot explains in “The Holographic Universe”, from an experiment conducted in 1982. In this experiment, scientists were controlling the spin of electrons through electromagnetism. They found that when they changed the spin of one electron, the spin of another electron, 10 feet away, changed on its own to match the other electron. Continuing with this experiment, the scientists found that, under the proper conditions, distance didn’t affect the time of the change at all, the change occurred SIMULTANEOUSLY. For some, this revelation was impossible, for it broke the speed barrier of light, and thus it broke Einstein’s theory of relativity, and it shattered quantum mechanics. In order to keep the world of quantum mechanics, and our sanity, one of two things must be accepted, and thus the two tenants of the Holographic Universe.

Before talking about the two options, I’d like to briefly explain holograms themselves. Holograms are 3-D photographs created with the help of a laser. First, the object that one wants to capture is engrossed in the light from one laser; a second laser beam is then bounced off the light that is reflected (the light that does not go through or past the object). The resulting intersection of the two lasers is then recorded onto film. This can be one frame for a single image, or multiple frames for a moving image, or a movie. When developed, the film looks indiscernible, a collage of light and dark lines; however, when a 3rd laser is beamed directly through the film, a 3-D image is created. Holograms also carry an interesting, the part is equal to, but smaller than the whole (or “whole in every part”), phenomenon. Thus, if one were to cut the film into two different pieces, and then illuminate with a laser again, you would have two, smaller, yet identical, images, not two halves. So, every tiny piece of the film contains the information of the whole.

The first option is that this world is a hologram, a fake, a phony. It is an illusion, much like Maya of Hinduism or the Matrix, and it is controlled by something, a world of computers, the Archons, whatever. Thus, quantum mechanics still exists, but this world is a hologram. This essentially means that the cave and the outside world are not of the same existence, but in fact, the cave is just an illusion or a hologram of the outside world. While this is a perfectly good explanation, I just don’t believe it, for the same reasons that I doubt that the Archons created this world. I believe in the second option.

The second option is that this world is real, the hologram is real, and that the connection between everyone, everything, the connection that transcends the laws of quantum mechanics is actually the Self. This is a perfect representation of Tao; we are smaller wholes of the same Self. This also fits directly with Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. We share a bond, a connection that we are ignorant to. We think similarly and feel similarly because we are the same parts to the whole. The hero myth exists in every culture and belief system because it is part of the Self, it is apart of every piece of the puzzle. One could even say that the hero myth is our destiny.

Now that we’ve discussed the Holographic Universe, let’s analyze the String theory. The String Theory, in all of its quarks is too discombobulated and unorganized (and as of right now, not even complete) to write down extensively. The basics behind this theory are simple. Everything we see is made up of particles, like the elementary electrons and protons that fill science textbooks. There are, according to theorists and mathematicians dedicated to complex models, many, many different particles, fulfilling many different roles and balancing out many complex and intense equations, equations that would probably require a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics or Theoretical Calculus. The string theory states, in its simplest form, that everything is made up of strings, perhaps the same, identical string, and that these strings (or just one string) vibrate at different frequencies, thus producing the different particles we see. Just like the guitar produces similar notes from different strings, as well as different notes from the same string, so too these strings (or singular string) create the particles of our universe, the particles that shape our reality. This view of the universe has an interesting impact. It may give us an understanding to what the number 432 really is, and why the frequency setting of 432 is referred to as the natural or universal frequency setting.


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