Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More 432, Yin-Yang, and Some Color Theory

According to an essay by Roger Gould-King, plants generate a humming noise, similar to the “AUM” of Hindu and Buddhist meditation mantras. This humming noise, according to the documentary he was watching, was generated by the plants to attract bees to pollinate them. Finding this curious, he recorded the hum from the broadcast and found it to be operating at 432 Hertz, the natural frequency setting for the “A” note. He then placed sound generators in his flower bed to simulate the hum he learned about through the documentary. Not surprisingly, this man-made hum stimulated the synergy of his garden, boosting the relationships (both in quality and quantity) of his flowers and the local bees. (online) This synergy, or equilibrium, is generated through a harmony in nature. This harmony is regulated by a common string in nature, the “A” note, 432. If the universe is one, massive body, one indescribable Self, then the number 432 is its DNA or its heartbeat. Joseph Campbell called it the “432,000 reflections of our world of time and space”. (219) Thus to understand what this mystical number means would most likely change the way we understand the universe.

In Taoism, the Yin-Yang symbol is supposed to be a microcosm of the entire nature of the Tao, the SELF. It is a circle split by two opposing forces, the dark, feminine Yin, and the light, masculine Yang. While one may use the Yin-Yang as an argument that duality is present in nature, and thus, justifiable, the Yin and Yang are not absolutes, like good and evil. Good and evil exist on a line, with two sides in strict opposition, while the Yin and Yang exist in a circle, within a flow, the flow of life. This is why the symbol is often used as a representation for the seasons (with Yin as winter and Yang as summer), as well as the elements, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. This quadrant understanding of the circular Yin-Yang is the essence of 4. The circle, much like absolute truth, is infinite in nature, for it has an infinite number of points. This is why the constant, pi, perplexes and obsesses scientists and mathematics; it is irrational infinity, and the rational world of science and math cannot handle that. So using four to represent the circle, just like four represents the forth stage of knowledge, we can find the other numbers of 432. Two is easy; it is the Yin and the Yang. It is the opposites of black and white. These opposites are not absolutes, for a small piece of Yang resides in Yin, and vice-versa. This is why the Yin-Yang cannot be compared to the duality of, say, good and evil. Good cannot exist in evil, and evil cannot exist in good, for that is an unexplainable paradox. Three, the final number of 432, is a little harder to find in the Yin-Yang, but it is there. There are three lines of separation between the Yin and the Yang (the large separation, and the two smaller circles). Thus, humanity is the lines between the opposites, between four and two. In this light, it is easy to understand why we feel trapped within duality, for we are stuck on one line between black and white, and we cannot recognize the other two lines, the other two points of humanity.

Sometimes we can take the microcosm duality of our apparent situation and imagine an opposite, thus creating the illusion of a dualistic macrocosm. In reality, we cannot see the line that runs between us, just like we cannot see the third point of the triangle. It is not until we step outside of ourselves, outside our microcosm, and peer into the macrocosm, that we understand the fourth truth of the Yin-Yang, like stepping outside our triangle and viewing the triangular pyramid as the truth.

We can apply the concepts of the Yin-Yang and triangles to colors. There are three Primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. There are also three Secondary colors: orange, green, and purple. Thus we have six colors, two interlocking triangles, and the basic color wheel. The Yin is female and the Yang is masculine, and their interaction creates six points, the six basic colors. At the heart of this circle is another circle, a circle of pure white. The white, the soul, the presence of every color, forms the seventh point. Taking a 3-D view of the color wheel, the primary colors could be seen to form the base triangle of the pyramid, and the secondary colors, the combinations of the primary colors, form the three rising sides, with the pure point of white at the top. Perhaps the reason art speaks to the soul is because its colors use the language of the soul, the frequency of the soul, 432.

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